Police Pagan Association - an association for police officers who are witches, pagans, druids and any other type of person who worships the HORNED DEITY
Police Pagan Association – an association for police officers who are witches, pagans, druids and any other type of person who worships the HORNED DEITY

Report by CHRIS EVERARD – THE ENIGMA CHANNEL has been investigating Satanism, Paganism, Witch Cults and Druidism – this week our new TV Series reveals that British Police have their own Association for officers who are Pagans…  Their association is for officers who share common religious Pagan interests such as the HORNED DEITY and Sacrifice…  Their HQ is just a stone’s throw from where an alleged cult of Satanists are accused of drinking blood from sacrificed babies…  

Now we come to the spectre of the Pagan Police Association; Druids, you know, also did sacrifices – and it is pertinent to note that there is a PAGAN POLICE ASSOCIATION with it’s HQ a few miles from the Hampstead cult.
Clearly, Wicca, Satanism, Paganism, Druidism and WitchCraft are all recognised as serious religions in the Pagan Police Association literature and on their website. Sacrifice is a central aspect to Judaism, and a central aspect to Paganism.

Should we not – as members of the public – be told if Officer D.C. Savage, the Judge, other police officers and family members condone or have ever practiced sacrifice?

This is an important question because on many occasions, the children said that certain police officers themselves were members of the cult.

The HORNED DEITY is commonly worshipped by many Pagans and Satanists - and Police Officers - alike!
The HORNED DEITY is commonly worshipped by many Pagans and Satanists – and Police Officers – alike!

Surely one of the first questions the police would have asked the father, Mr Ricky Dearman is “Have you, sir, ever witnessed, or been present at, any ceremony involving paganism, sacrifice or anything which would be construed as ‘witchcraft’?”. I think that would be the most logical first question – don’t you?

The main focus of the police interview with the father [an actor named Ricky Dearman] – recorded on 15th September 2014 – is on an eventless visit to a swimming pool and the multiple allegations that Ella Draper would concoct “any story” to keep her children away from Ricky Dearman.

At no time during this interview conducted by police officer D.C. Savage does he ever approach – in detail – the allegations of sacrifice.

Considering that sacrifice is such a crucial and central part of judaism and the pagan-related religions respected [and one supposes enjoyed] by members of the Pagan Police Association, and that Abraham the Patriarch is said to have even sacrificed his own son, and that so many of the alleged abusers have jewish-sounding family names in this strange Hampstead case, would it not have been proper for the officer to ascertain if Ricky Dearman was practicing judaism, paganism or any other cult activity which involved sacrifice? Is it not simple logic to expect a police officer to ask the father accused of sacrificing and murdering babies if he had ever seen an animal sacrificed at a synagogue, or elsewhere?

Druidism is given a ‘whitewash’ by the Police Pagan Association – but many engravings tell of Druids sacrificing humans at stone circles – the Romans dubbed them ‘Pagans’.  All forms of human sacrifice are forbidden under UK law.


CHRIS EVERARD needs your help and support in investigating many topics and making documentary films – please subscribe and donate today to make sure he can continue his research and reporting.  CHRIS EVERARD has researched and identified the exact rituals described by the Whistleblower Kids – which are traced to the 1700s and cults in Offenbach in Germany – watch his documentaries and TV shows right now on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL

Druids sacrificed humans at StoneHenge - Pagans have been sacrificing living beings for thousands of years - so how come D.C. Martin who questioned the Hampstead Whistleblower Kids have such incredulity in his voice?  The HQ of the Pagan Police Association is just a few miles from where the alleged Satanic Cult operated.
Druids sacrificed humans at StoneHenge – Pagans have been sacrificing living beings for thousands of years – so how come D.C. Martin who questioned the Hampstead Whistleblower Kids have such incredulity in his voice? The HQ of the Pagan Police Association is just a few miles from where the alleged Satanic Cult operated.


    1. We believe that the Frankist and Zevite modus operandi, which influenced the father of Karl Marx, who is buried in Highgate, just up the road from Christchurch Primary School, is the most likely of all modes of ritual which fit the descriptions given to the police. Research on this matter is ongoing.


  1. This is ridiculous – some ancient pagan religions practised sacrifice, and some ancient chrristians tortured and murdered heretics – that has nothing to do with modern pagans or christians Linking a pagan to satanism is like accusing a muslim of worshipping buddha – we don’t believe in him! PLEASE read up the beliefs and practices of modern pagans before you buy into this absurd and horrific Hammer Horror view of a peaceful religion. If there are satanists lurking around, I’m willing to bet they don’t infiltrate our peaceful little minority religion, but sneak their way into big powerful religions and institutions associated with the establishment and respectability. I’ve always thought of Chris Everard as a knowledgeable guy, but if he distorts and twists everything the way he has distorted this topic, I don’t know how far I can trust anything he says. Please do your own research, because what is published here amounts to pure hate speech.


    1. Paganism is being used as a ‘FRONT’ for people who are Frankist-Sabbateans. Gnosticism is being used as a ‘FRONT’ for people who are Frankist-Sabbateans. Catholocism is being used as a ‘FRONT’ for people who are Frankist-Sabbateans. Satanism is intrinsically linked with the Frankist-Sabbateans. Pat, you are a stuck record – read the articles again. Not all Pagans are bad. Of course I know that. But not all Pagans are harmless butterfly collectors either. You are either a Satanist, or someone who wants to root out Satanism. There, you see, is the black and white of it.

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